Welcome to one of the finest heritage homes in Jaipur, Rajasthan

A distance chart for Rajasthan
272 Alwar
332 116 Bharatpur
233 462 497 Bikaner
163 347 382 396 Bundi
191 463 523 424 121 Chittorgarh
131 141 176 321 206 322 Jaipur
205 477 537 243 368 372 336 Jodhpur
490 762 822 333 653 657 621 285 Jaisalmer
200 382 418 432 36 158 245 405 690 Kota
375 647 707 569 418 297 505 326 572 455 Mt. Abu
274 551 581 506 233 112 405 260 545 270 185 Udaipur
392 163 251 470 465 583 259 597 882 504 767 664 Delhi
1071 1343 945 1299 1041 928 1202 1051 1341 1005 766 797 1461 Bombay
388 172 56 665 438 579 232 568 853 453 737 637 195 1204 Agra
526 798 658 754 485 364 657 511 796 522 221 252 916 554 889 Ahmedabad
To find out the distance between two cities, find the intersection point of the horizontal and vertical columns of the two cities. Roads provide the most conveniant mode of transport between Delhi and various areas of interest in Rajasthan, most of which are 1-6 hours away. While making any calculations on travel times, do remember that the average speed on most roads does not exceed 80 kmph.